ayna paisley

My latest sketch


Рисую и болтаю: снежная речка

Листаю скетчбук

Пленэр и новые работы

New painting soon available on my website www.aynapaisley.com

Painting a scene from memory - #sketchbook #sketching #sketch #painting #landscapepainting

Have you tried these magic pencils?

Making of a new painting - monoprinting on my favourite #gelplate #gelliplate #gelliarts

My first Skillshare Class! Gouache for Beginners

I tried talking as fast as I can to fit everything in - #varnishing #oilpainting

One of my recent paintings from the 'Secret Box' series. More details at www.aynapaisley.com

Gouache: Creating The Illusion Of Light - Intro To My New Class on Skillshare

NEW BRUSHES!! - Renoir Collection from ZENART SUPPLIES

Sketchbook-tour! My recent ink studies I brought from my trip to Vietnam.

'The movement of this fascinating plants intrigued Charles Darwin himself.

Meditative painting in my sketchbook

Let's fill in the last page of my sketchbook together #fireflies #journaling #sketching

How to Paint a Landscape with Acrylics - Zenartsupplies Brushes Review

My new collection of landscapes 'Song of Land and Sky' is coming together 💫

I'm almost through filling my first collage sketchbook, yay!

How I break down a complex scene 🎨 - #sketching #sketchbook #journal #journaling

SPEEDPAINTING MIXED MEDIA: процесс создания работы

spring in full swing